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Finding a Home in NYC: A High-Stakes Game You Can Win

Finding a Home in NYC: A High-Stakes Game You Can Win
If you are a newcomer to New York City, whether you are trying to rent, buy or sell a home, we guarantee that you have never seen the real estate game played the NYC way. In addition to the prohibitively high cost of apartments and the small spaces we are expected to call home, the playing field is never level: First, you have to try to find an apartment in a city that has no multiple listing service; second, if you are renting, you may have to pay a broker's commission between 12 and 15% of the first year's rent. Third, if you are buying, you have to chose between co-operatives and condominiums. Co-ops are approximatley 1/3 less expensive but you have to be approved by a very strict board of directors and they will insist on full disclosure of all your assets. Finally, the market seems to shift seismically favoring buyers then sellers, renters then landlords every few years or so. In addition, the rules can be confusing, archaic, sometimes infuriating, even demoralizing. Even so, at the very least, you can do respectably well in this marketplace, but only if you get sufficiently educated first and then make a strategic plan of attack.

The Intrepid New Yorker is happy to lead the charge.

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